
Do you need help in navigating the often complex world of statistics and data analyses? I provide the following services to help you do so:

  • Determine which statistical analyses are appropriate for your research questions and design
  • Set up your database for inputting or importing data
  • Walk you through and run your data analyses, step-by-step
  • Explain the meaning of the results
  • Provide guidance on how to write your Results section
  • Provide direction on how to write your Discussion section
  • Review and edit your Method, Results, and Discussion sections

Here are some of the software packages/programs that I use:

  • SPSS
  • R
  • Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (for meta-analyses and effect size calculations)
  • G*Power (for power analyses)
  • Process (for mediator and moderator analyses)


Do you want help in editing or polishing your thesis, dissertation, manuscript, book, book chapter or other written materials? I can provide quality services for you. Here are some of my relevant experiences:

  • I have extensive editorial experience, including serving as a Consulting Editor for four journals and an ad hoc reviewer for half a dozen others
  • I have served as a dissertation chair or committee member for dozens of students
  • Click here for a list of my publications and editorial experiences

Research Methods

Do you want help in choosing or developing an appropriate method for your research study? I can help you refine your research questions, select an effective study design and method, and develop a rigorous and comprehensive plan for executing your study.

Here is some information about my relevant experience in this area:

  • I have 15 peer-reviewed journal publications, as well as 7 book chapters and other publications
  • I have 40 peer-reviewed presentations at professional conferences

Call me at (646) 246-1662, or click here to send me an email.